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姓    名: JOANN K. WHALEN 性    别:
职    务:   职    称: 研究员(外籍)
邮政编码:   专家类别:  
电子邮件: joann.whalen@mcgill.ca
通讯地址: 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec H9X3V9

2006-present  Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, McGill University.

2005-present  Agronome, Ordre des agronomes du Québec.

2000-2006     Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources, McGill University.

1999–2000    Research Scientist, Land Resource Sciences, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, Canada.

1998          Research Associate, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University.

1998          Ph.D in Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University

1995          M.Sc.in Natural Resource Sciences,McGill University. 

1993          B.Sc (Agr.)with Honors in Agricultural Chemistry, 

              Dalhousie University.

  Canadian Journal of Soil Science: Associate Editor (2007-2009); Canadian Journal of Soil Science: Special Issues Editor (2009-2011); Agronomy Journal: Associate Editor (2009-2011); Soil Biology and Biochemistry: Editorial Board (2010-2012);
2010        William Dawson Scholar (equivalent to Tier II Canada Research Chair), McGill University

2008 & 2010  Research Fellowship from the OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems.

2006        Top Referee Award from international journal Soil Biology and Biochemistry.

2011-2016     SÈVE, un centre de recherche inter-institutionnel en amélioration végétale. (Co-investigator). FQRNT Centres. $3,026,000.

2011-2014     Évaluation de l’ADN des Bacteria et Archaea pour optimiser l'application d'engrais azoté aux agroécosystèmes de maïs au Québec. (Co-Investigator). FQRNT Équipe. $136,800. 

2011          An automated greenhouse gas detection system for carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. (Principal Investigator). NSERC RTI category 1. $42,651.

2010-2013     Toxicity, transformations and transport of engineered nanoparticles in soils: New approaches to detect and characterize environmental risks. (Co-Investigator). NSERC Strategic Grant. $474,078.

2010-2015     Earthworm-microbial interactions controlling nitrous oxide production in perennial grass- and legume- based agroecosystems using stable isotopes and molecular markers. (Principal Investigator) NSERC Discovery. $215,000.

2010-2013     Earthworm-microbial interactions controlling nitrous oxide production in perennial grass- and legume-based agroecosystems using stable isotopes and molecular markers. (Principal Investigator) NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement. $120,000.

2010-2013     Valorisation de biomasses à faibles intrants pour une production durable de biocarburant. (Co-investigator). FQRNT Recherche partenariat contribuant réduction et séquestration gaz effet de serre. $250,000.

2009-2012     Biochar:biofuels help themselves. (Co-investigator). NSERC Strategic Grant. $385,500.

2009-2012     Les vers de terre envahissants mettent-ils en péril le fonctionnement écologique de bandes riveraines au Québec? (Principal Investigator) FQRNT Équipe. $152,640.